Daniel Menely


Get Clarity. Feel Better. Live Fuller.

Do any of the following resonate with you?

  • Your are sinking into increasingly negative feelings
  • You feel like something is missing in your life
  • You thought you landed your dream job but instead you’re frustrated ⏤ the excitement stopped
  • You might be thriving professionally but, personally, life is more of a rollercoaster
  • You have a vision for your future but you can’t get yourself to make it happen

If any of these sound familiar, I’m here to help.

Therapy Services

Individual Counseling

Some days you feel stressed with it all — work, life, kids, family, your relationship. Other days, you just feel stuck.

Something needs to change.

In counseling, I can help you create a balanced life with lower anxiety, fulfilling relationships, and the ability to manage what life throws your way. 

Individual Counseling

Couples Counseling

Perhaps you’ve noticed that the spark in your relationship is gone. Or you’re fighting daily. You are both repeating patterns that you have trouble breaking free from.

If this sounds familiar, couples counseling can help. Let’s equip you with the skills you need to repair and create a connected relationship with more ease and trust.

Couples Counseling

Coaching Services Across The USA

Teen Counseling

Maybe your teen feels exhausted and uninterested with too many things to manage. Or they struggle with social situations or keeping up in school. They feel stuck in a cycle of wanting to feel better but instead withdraw.

If these struggles ring true for your kid, I’m here to help. Coaching for students can help them overcome the many challenges of life as a student.

Teen Counseling

Hi, I’m Daniel Menely

It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day life. Our families, work, relationships. It can be so much that we forget to focus on what our ideal life looks like. As a warm, attentive therapist, I dedicate my life to helping people move past the hurdles that hold them back from living a meaningful life.

Read more on my About page

Psychotherapy for CO, CT, MT, NY, OR, TX, UT & VA Residents
Coaching for Everyone

Free 15-minute Consultation:

Schedule Your Appointment Today. I’m ready to listen.

daniel  menely's profile on the Gottman Referral Network